Estate & Probate Services
Clear, Trusted Probate Services and Guidance
Probate services refer to the formal process required to manage the estate of a person who has died. Their estate is made up of everything they owned, combining (for example) money, shares, property and personal possessions.
Because no two estates are exactly the same, the length and complexity of the probate process will vary according to many factors. These include the size and nature of the person’s estate, and the exact terms of their will.
We understand that this can be an intense and challenging time, so our probate specialists will work with you and provide support throughout the entire process.
Knowledgeable support from our probate specialists
While timescales vary, obtaining a grant of probate typically takes between six and 12 months.
The process first involves identifying the assets of the person who has died, and then acquiring confirmation of their value.
Our experience of gathering and calculating financial information means we can potentially reduce the amount of time and effort it may otherwise take to compile the material needed.
Sensitive, step-by-step communication
Our probate specialists will collate all relevant information about the estate, and liaise sensitively with executors, beneficiaries and external advisers, including estate agents and solicitors.
We will also ensure that the nominated executors are happy and able to undertake their responsibilities.
From there, we will calculate the potential inheritance tax liability, and obtain the Grant of Probate.
A comprehensive probate service
Once we have obtained the Grant of Probate, we will collect the estate assets, settle any outstanding debts, and distribute the relevant proceeds to the beneficiaries.
Our probate specialist team will also take care of the remaining administration, including communicating with potential creditors, and preparing a final account of the estate for executor approval and dealing with any required tax returns for either the deceased or the estate.
Timing and fees
It is not possible to provide a general price for probate services, due to the significant variation of the factors involved in managing an estate.
We do not charge according to the size or value of an estate, but on the time taken to complete the work involved. Again, many factors can affect the timeline for probate services, so while we will provide a clear estimate of fees and timescales, our specialist advisers will keep you regularly updated as the case progresses.
The case studies set out below provide examples of potential timescales, fees and the scope of work involved in probate services.
For a more detailed discussion surrounding our fee structure, or to ask questions, please contact us .
May include:
Summary of estate
No inheritance tax
Completion of IHT205 (if required)
Probate application
Administration dealt with by executors.
Fee in the region of £1,500 +VAT.
May include:
Summary of estate
Calculation of inheritance tax
Completion of IHT400 and a few backing schedules
Probate application
Administration dealt with by executors with advice as required.
Fee in the region of £4,000 +VAT.
May include:
Summary of estate, including involvement in some of the asset valuations
Calculation of inheritance tax
Completion of IHT400 and a few backing schedules
Probate application
Collecting in assets, settling debts and paying legacies
Estate accounts and tax returns.
Fee in the region of £12,500 +VAT.
May include:
Summary of estate including identifying assets and obtaining asset valuations
Calculation of inheritance tax
Completion of IHT400 and all backing schedules
Probate application
Dealing with complex reliefs such as agricultural or business relief
Collecting in assets, settling debts and paying legacies
Estate accounts and tax returns.
Fee in the region of £25,000 +VAT.
In addition to the above fees will be disbursements for the Probate Application fee (currently £273), additional copies of the Grant of Probate (currently £1.50 per copy), bankruptcy searches (£5 per beneficiary) and notification in the London Gazette (around £300).
Compensation Scheme
In the unlikely event that we cannot meet our liabilities to you, you may be able to seek a grant from ICAEW’s Compensation Scheme. Generally, applications for a grant must be made to ICAEW within 12 months of the time you become aware, or reasonably ought to have been aware of the loss. Further information about the scheme, and the circumstances in which grants may be made, is available on ICAEW’s website .
We look to provide clients with a high level of service but should you feel that we have not delivered on this, please find details of our complaints procedure here: Complaints .

Licensed advice
Rickard Luckin is licensed by the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (ICAEW) to carry out the reserved legal activity of non-contentious probate in England and Wales.
Together with our trusted experience in all areas of accounts, tax, and inheritance planning, you can feel confident in our ability to manage the most complex probate matters.
Details of our probate accreditation can be viewed at under reference number C004330535.
Rickard Luckin Limited has carried out a diversity survey, with the aim of collecting data to support a strong, independent, inclusive, and efficient workforce.
As part of our ICAEW registration to provide Probate services, we are required to follow protocols for certain aspects of their regulations. This means that we are required to undertake a periodic diversity survey and share this with the ICAEW.